Using Mindfulness and therapeutic yoga to cultivate clarity and calm

A TOOLKIT FOR reconnecting with what serves

Using Mindfulness and Therapeutic Yoga to Cultivate Clarity and Calm

Saturday, March 2, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT


Restore Balance Integrative Medicine

5236 Dawes Ave, Alexandria, VA 22311

As we move through our days, our weeks, and the course of our lives, we may begin to notice a subtle shift. We may feel as if we are caught in a type of trance; moving through our lives without a sense of grounding and connection to what is deeply true for us. We may be waiting for some imagined point in the future or ruminating and regretting events from the past. We may be swept up and spiraled with stress and reactivity. At any moment, we can choose a different way and begin to make intentional choices with mindfulness, presence, and compassion. Mindfulness and therapeutic yoga tools and techniques can support us in responding skillfully to the stress reactivity, habitual patterns, and choices that may impact our path to healing and well-being.

  • Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of worry and negative ruminative thinking without a toolkit for self-regulation?

  • Are you feeling depleted? Scattered? Lacking energy and vitality?

  • How do you calm mind and body and step back into the fullness of life with intentional choice and presence?

Learn and practice the tools and techniques of mindfulness and therapeutic yoga: mindfulness meditation, gentle movement, conscious relaxation, reflective writing, and breathing techniques to support you in regaining a connection to what serves your well-being. 

In this workshop participants will:

  • Explore how the brain’s ancient survival-based bias to negativity impacts our lives

  • Increase a connection to the tools that can anchor our presence and steady and calm the mind.

  • Reflect and learn about the impact of mindfulness on stress reactivity and our freedom to choose.

  • Practice mindfulness techniques and yogic tools that cultivate inner resources for emotional self-regulation.

Mindfulness and Therapeutic Yoga for Stress Relief Workshop

Mindfulness and therapeutic yoga tools and techniques can support us in responding skillfully to the stress reactivity, habitual patterns, and choices that may impact our path to healing and well-being.

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Participants will need:

A journal, a pen, and a yoga mat,

All levels welcome.

Class limited to 9 participants